Camping on NiteFlirt’s front page

Why NiteFlirts front page doesn’t work for long.

Been a long time since we’ve posted anything, and this site is getting mega hits! 16k+

That means that many phone sex operators are struggling and looking for information. 
Whether you are new to phone sex on NiteFlirt or any other platform, you know how hard it is to get going.  Building a clientele is rough.  Not only is building a clientele hard, keeping them coming back is harder if you’re not charming, professional, and know what you’re doing.  The truth is, keeping your return customers is the key to success!

Without repeat customers, you are paying for each new customer who won’t come back!

You shouldn’t have to do that.

I just can’t get my head around anyone sitting on the front page for 8 months!

Why would anyone do that? I have watched for seven or eight months now (and you probably have as well) a flirt who for vanity or who suffers from hard-headedness (My mom’s used that term) who sits on that front page day after day with less than 100 points gained. What does that mean?
That means that, she’s not getting conversions. In other words, her phone isn’t ringing.
When she does go busy, which is rare, her calls last less than 10 minutes.  And, don’t tell me she’s making that money back on chat because at least some of those chat sessions should result in calls.

Does she think making $60 and paying $160 is success?  As I write this, I am bidding against her.

For every bid, I get a chat or a call after about 5 clicks.  She bids to sit higher.  Ha ha is that vanity or what?  It’s like she can’t stand not being number 1 in that category! LOL

If you bid above her, she bids higher. ABOVE is my Feb 2nd income after bidding.  This should be the norm for you.  If it’s not, you could use, a new NiteFlirt tempate, new copy or a marketing consultation to change things around for you.

Don’t be stubborn!  This girl is a failure in phone sex and she won’t give up or change.

If you are paying NF more than you’re making, that is not success.  It’s just pure narcissism.  Why would you sit there giving the platform money for nothing?


Yes, we watch what goes on in the business.  If you are not, then you’re not doing all you can to make the best of your marketing and money.  Plus, every time you sign into NiteFlirt you get sent to the front page whether you like it or not.  Ugh…

Here’s the thing.  The front page is a starting point. The front page has limits and the customers who come onto the site and click around from the front page are not your best customers.  If you aren’t getting REPEAT BUSINESS and keeping those customers and making their calls last more than 30 minutes, you are not successful.

Reasons to put yourself on the front page of NiteFlirt:

  1. You are new and need exposure!  Put it up there and after your 3 qualified clicks minimum is met, wait for those or the others that weren’t qualified to convert.
  2. You have a new listing on a mature account.
  3. You have a new listing design and you want to see how it fares against that previous version.
  4. It’s the high season and it’s like catching fish in a barrel.

Or, finally, if you’ve stalled in your current clientele and are looking for new ones.

But, sitting there day after day is a dead-end that will cost you more than you are making.

What is a NF Bad Boy?

Hello, hope everyone is making lots of money!

I have seen many reports on this site and wanted to speak a moment about what abuse is and isn’t.  NiteFlirt as with any adult business is filled with jerks, con-artists (yes even women) drug addicts and drunks, the mentally ill, socially inept and socially isolated people.  And, that means on both ends of the phone.  We certainly have our work cut out for us sometimes…

Reports to NiteFlirt Bad Boys: I honestly cannot report a customer who writes a flirt in an email and says stupid shit.  He may have been an asshole when he called but if you aren’t TRAINED IN AND USE WISELY THE NITEFLIRT PLATFORM eg: creating customer lists with notes so that you have journaled your history with each customer when he gets a spam email from you and writes something back abusive, you will have no idea why.

His call or chat may have been a weird interaction that was abusive or a short or you hung up on him or simply put up with the jerk while half listening; but you didn’t block him.  When he gets an email from you, he may well remember you and your bad expereince together.

Taking notes on each and every caller is essential in your marketing plan.

Working the NiteFlirt platform is WORK!  They don’t make anything easy.  ANYTHING.

What makes someone a NITEFLIRT BAD BOY?

As mentioned on the front page, abuse is calling you names, harrassing you via email or chat after blocking him and verbal abuse you didn’t ask for or advertise for.  When emailing customer’s you should spend your time wisely.  Many customers complain about (and I’ve seen it too) too many low-quality spam emails from flirts.

Sending mass mails to customers:

It literally takes about 5 to 6 clicks just to send a custom email with font color, font face and size.  And, forget about doing that over and over again!  You will have to redo every single customization you did in one email to all of them!! UGH!

But, be clear 1.what you’re selling 2. How much it is, and 3.What the content contains.

If you spend a good amount of time customizing your emails to customers, you shouldn’t receive abusive emails back.  In fact, I’ve recently seen a flirt state in her spam/sale content emails:


So, it is NOT ABUSE if you get a personalized email from a customer whom you spammed.

SPAM DEF: irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the internet to a large number of recipients.

Also, it’s not abusive nor does it make him a NF Bad Boy since it was kept between the two of you.

I want to see the abuse.


Phone Sex Safety

Phone sex is sex work.

There are many nice guys who call us on NiteFlirt, but there are some who aren’t. 

Those few minutes you spend with a man (a stranger) on the phone can allow him to hide all manner of faults.  You don’t know his criminal background or his mental health background; nor do you have any references for his character.  Anyone can fake being a decent human being for a little while.  But, what happens when he becomes emotionally unstable?  What do you do when you’ve ‘trusted’ him with your real name and location and the next time you’re not available for him he goes off the rails?

Using best practices can possibly save you from being cyber-stalked or worse!

Best practices is a term used to explain the best way to stay professional and provide a good service.

In phone sex and for sex workers specifically, it’s important to remember, Men are Pigs!  They are controlled by their cocks and testosterone and that combination can be dangerous if not controlled.  You can take screen shots of your calls and send them to NiteFlirt when someones calls directly after a call on NiteFlirt.  You should take snippets of your customer lists and calls if you think the same caller is using different screen names to harass you.  You can also ask NiteFlirt to remove abusive feedbacks if the customer left more than one.  Keeping yourself safe is paramount to keep us all safe!  One mistake or opening for one nutjob will only encourage him to do it to others!


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