NiteFlirt’s terms of service and pedos


It’s hard for us who have been on NiteFlirt for years to understand and keep up with all of NiteFlirt’s ever changing rules and terms of service.  Most if not all websites have a standard “we’ve updated our terms of service” emails to it’s users or sign-in notices on their website(s) so that their users can keep up!  NiteFlirt does not.

Recently, a flirt reported:

I’ve had a group of men wanting to do underage play. I find it disturbing and sick. It’s also against the rules. I’ve been telling them I don’t do underage play and that I’m sorry. Why can’t these guys follow the rules when it comes to things like that. Makes my stomach turn when they talk about children.

Steering callers away from topics you are uncomfortable with or that violate a website’s policies is always a win-win for you and your customer.  Why? Because, when you steer them away from that “taboo” topic you are in control of the call which is usually a good thing; but you are allowing him to get off and enjoy himself without hearing, “that’s against the rules” and having him hang up, never call you again and him having to call someone else.  Both of those things can make NiteFlirt lose customers to other platforms that allow age-play.

But, it’s not always possible to steer someone.  If someone has a preoccupation for a topic, like young people, he is probably a criminal who downloads illegal kiddy stuff (or tries to find it) and may even have molested someone.

But, there are those porn addicts on NiteFlirt or who call phone sex in general who have to ramp up his porn addiction to topics that are more and more ‘taboo’.  Then, there’s the weirdos who just like younger people because they are powerless in life and have anti-social tendencies.  These are also the humiliation junkies who can be steered or humiliated and you’ll get a decent call out of them.


So, when a caller begins to go ‘there’ with a taboo subject matter you are uncomfortable with, you can lower your voice volume…which makes them listen harder; and then say, ‘so, you’re stunted emotionally and sexually’?  Wait…his response; well, if you’re attracted to human’s who aren’t your equal, you must be pretty pathetic sexually.  Wait…more than likely you can continue to humiliate him and steer the call to him being homosexual, in the closet, small penis humiliation, Domme him into calling you Mistress or Master, call him your weak bitch etc…

You may get a good 10 minutes or more out of him without denying him a call and yourself money.

Then, if he has an online account, give him a few hours and write him with “thanks for your call” I look forward to another as long as we stay on the fact that “you’re my weak lil bitch” lol thanks again!

Or, conversely, you can block his future calls-it’s up to you.




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