Dick Pics Unsolicited (NiteFlirt Chat)


As stated in our forward, we want this site to be a protective and informative option and a learning place.  Yes, some comments and reports will be used a examples of what not to do, and conversely, what TO DO.  It is not intended to shame anyone since all posts/reports are anonymous.

Phone Sex is sex work.  It’s in the title.  That means many things. We talk to hundreds of men on the phone about sexual topics, read emails from customers and get paid to read text messages.

In order to do business, we advertise sexual topics.  As you browse the sites some flirts advertise themselves as “whores” cumsluts (whatever that is) and ‘use me’, abuse me and make me yours, treat me like garbage, choke me, call me names and a plethora of other terms and advertisements making them appear to be so into cock and men that they will do ANYTHING for it.  If that’s your thing, that’s your business.  But don’t be surprised if some random knucklehead sends you a pic of his dick.

REPORT: This site received a report that a customer sent them a dic pic and multiple texts in a row, then wrote bad feedback after discovering he was blocked.  I posted the original report because the customer stated clearly, “I was blocked after sending a dick pic”.

On the report response, we (admin) explained that the report was allowed, but contained false or misleading information.  The false info was that he only ‘chatted’ and wrote bad feedback.  We explained for informative purposes…WEEKS LATER, the same flirt wrote that she was a 15 yr veteran of the business and felt shamed, and hoped that “it never happens to me”?  A dick pic? Really?  Most of us have received them! I’m not traumatized by them!  It’s a penis!  We are in sex work!

If she is still fixated and traumatized weeks later, I suggest there is more going on then a dick pic, but as far as being correct about the report and feedback issue:

FEEDBACK: Customers cannot leave feedback for chat nor emails.  They must have made a purchase or made a phone call.  The flirt must have spoken to this guy prior and he used that call to leave 1 star feedback stating ‘I sent her a dick pic and she blocked me’.  Well, he’s stupid for one thing.  But, she missed the chance the EDUCATE THIS customer and empower herself._-we are only paid by responding to each text, so no multiples please. Oh, and the best rule of thumb is wait to be asked before sending a photo of your genitals to people on the internet.

Please remit $10 (or your choice amount) to make up for both the pic and the texts. Thank If you consider yourself too much of a ‘lady’ to have received a dick pic, then act like one and demand to treated that way. It doesn’t matter whether you are a FemDom or a submissive, boys will be boys! 9 times of out of 10, you will get an apology and the money or at least an apology.  Don’t fixate and cry about it, run your business like a professional.  No one expects you to be a doormat!  You’re charging them to call/text/email-it’s no secret that you’re a business woman!

Men are sometimes stupid. 

They want to show anyone their hard dick!  “Look! Look at it, ‘it’s so hard’! Yes, it’s immature and reckless, but so are men.  For heterosexual females, how many of you have had a bf put a towel on his hard cock and show it off?  Me too!  Immature? Yes.


You don’t have to be a Female Dominant to set the rules of your business.

Unwanted Dic Pics.

We have all seen them, we all get them and until NiteFlirt gives us the option of charging to view the photos that come across on chat before we see the photo then we will continue to see dick pics!  And, we all get bad feedbacks.  Stop reading them! If you’re a highly experienced, ‘long time’ PSO you shouldn’t give a shit about one bad feedback.

As far as I am concerned, feedback that states, ‘she blocked me for sending a dick pic” would inform others not to do that.  So, in the end-it’s good feedback.  Unfortunately, we can’t stop it.

Until then, you have a few options.

  1. If you are traumatized by dick pics, don’t use the chat system. You will get them. Or, turn it on only for certain customers.
  2. Write your listings to reflect your sensitivity to such activity and state firmly that you will not tolerate them. (the biggest problem I see with flirt listings, is a lack of understanding basic marketing and effective copywriting to reflect you and your business) and explain to your customers NO MATTER WHAT YOUR CHARACTER’S PERSONA, you have the right to stand up for yourself.
  3.   I don’t respond to multiple chats without tributes.  You can even tell them IN THE CHAT.
  4. IT’S YOUR BUSINESS.  JUST BECAUSE YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A ‘SUB’ DOESN’T MEAN YOU CANNOT SPEAK UP FOR YOURSELF. If you can’t, or won’t-then your life needs some exploring because you likely get taken advantage of regularly and that makes everything seem worse than it is.
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